The Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, and National Defence Academy (NDA) recruit Indian nationals for various positions in senior and junior capacities. The selection of the suitable candidates is strictly based on officially notified terms which include academic qualifications, reservation criteria, age limits and relaxation rules, physical fitness, and physical standards. All the above mentioned Defence services recruit eligible candidates in combat and noncombat roles. The recruitment for Armed Forces has high standards which include physical fitness, physical measurements in terms of height, weight, chest size, body mass index, eyesight, and overall state of physical fitness and health.
Vision or eyesight is a very significant factor in making or breaking the candidates chances for recruitment to Armed Force Medical College(AFMC), Navy, Air Force, and NDA as entry level cadets, Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO), or other rank (OR) positions. The Indian military services are prestigious and physical and medical fitness requirements are strictly prescribed, particularly in terms of proper vision and eyesight. Candidates with normal vision of 20/20 in feet or 6/6 in metres do not face any disqualification issues during the physical endurance and medical examination rounds.
Candidates who have eye conditions such as Myopia (short-sightedness) or Hypermetropia (long-sightedness) have to satisfy additional selection criteria. Those who received medical treatment including surgeries such as Laser Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) and / or Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) eye surgery also have to fulfil additional criteria. All these candidates are eligible for selection to Armed Forces in Engineering and Medical Services, but due to physical demands such candidates are selectively recruited. However, rules for filling up entry level positions in Navy, Air Force, NDA, JCO, and Other Rank (OR) do not permit candidates who received the above mentioned corrective surgeries and they are disqualified from appearing for further selection rounds.
Vision Standards For NDA Recruitments
National Defence Academy (NDA) recruits cadets for the three wings of the Indian Military i.e. the Army, Navy, and the Air Force. Candidates who passed 12th class or equivalent with Maths and Physics have to appear for written examination followed by physical standards test. The vision or eyesight requirements for these positions are listed below –
Vision standard for Naval candidates
Uncorrected without glass 6/6, 6/9
Corrected with glass 6/6, 6/6
Limits of Myopia –0.75
Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5
Binocular vision III
Limits of colour perception I
Vision standard for Air Force candidates
Candidates who wear spectacles as a Habit are not eligible.
Minimum distant vision 6/6 in one eye, and 6/9 in other eye
Correctable for Hypermetropia up to 6/6 only.
Color Vision: CP -I
Myopia: Nil
Retinoscopic Myopia – 0.5 in any Meridian
Permitted Astigmatism : +0.75 D Cyl (within +2.0 D. Max) as per Maddox Rod Test
LASIK/PRK Surgery Selection Criteria For Armed Forces
Candidates should have undergone LASIK/PRK surgery after 20 years of age.
LASIK/PRK for Myopia or Hypermetropia should be uncomplicated.
The refraction flap should be stable for a 6 month period after surgery.
Retina has to be in a clear and healthy condition.
Corrected vision is 6/6 and 6/9 in better and worse eyes respectively.
For Myopia or Hypermetropia, Maximum residual refraction in any meridian: +1.50
The Army does not employ LASIK/PRK candidates for aircrew duties.
Entry level candidates are also admitted into AFMC, Pune.